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Niketa Cartner Sports Therapy offers a variety of treatments and advice for athletes and general public of all sporting abilities both novice and professional.
Sports and Remedial Massage
1 hour-£45
30 mins- £30


 Sports massage; A group of massage techniques specifically designed to aid in athletic performance. Includes pre-event, inter-event, and post-event massage, and maintenance and injury massage or training.


Remedial massage; A treatment modality that manipulates the soft tissues of the body including movement for a specific therapeutic effect, rather than a general therapeutic effect.


Sports Injury Consultation/Assessment


Included is an injury consultation and assessment, initial treatment and treatment plan, as well ad rehabilitation advice and home exercise programmes/care.

Kinesiology Taping and Bracing
£10 single session
£5 when used alongside an additional treatment


Kinesio Taping gives support and stability to your joints and muscles without affecting circulation and range of motion. It is also used for Preventive Maintenance, Edema, and to treat pain.

Other treatments


-Trigger Point therapy

-Mobilisations (Peripheral joints and spinal)

-PNF & Stretching

-Soft tissue release

-Rehabilitation and exercise programmes

-Pitch-side first aid is available upon request

and more.

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